18 May 2006

Rally in Washington D.C.

Via Israpundit:

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is coming to Washington D.C. next week to ask Congress and Pres. Bush for enough money and moral support to expel 80,000 Jews from the West Bank (Samaria and Judea).

Many of us feel this is a terrible idea. We want to demonstrate our disapproval, our outrage that the Israeli government is treating its Jewish citizens so shabbily, and our concern that Olmert is putting Israel in jeopardy.

Jonathan Silverman (jonsilverman2002*AT*yahoo*DOT*com; 718 304 3193) initiated a call for a rally and it struck a chord. The upshot is there will be a grassroots rally at:

the U.S. Capitol Building in Taft Park
(near Senate Russell Bldg)
50 Constitution Avenue N.W. (at 1st Street)
Washington DC
Tuesday May 23, 2006 at 12 noon
Metro Stop: Union Station on the Red Line. 4 block walk

More info at Israpundit.

This won't be the first time the American people defend Israel's right to her land. Francisco Gil-White points out that mass protests in New York City in 1948 forced the U.S. Government to recognize Israel as a State:

According to the New York City police, 250,000 US citizens exploded onto the streets of New York in a massive protest against the policies of their own and the British government. They came from 100 cities and 14 states, and they marched and rallied to defend the Jewish people. This was a protest the likes of which the city of New York had not seen before, and hasn’t since. And the effect was to force the US government to back down, because no such display of popular will can be ignored.

Rally now, America; rally in support of Israel so that you, too will be blessed.



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